Medical status of ESE-2014 (Reserve List) Candidates.
Requisition for Reserve List - ESE -2015.
ESE-2014(Reserve List)-Allocation-OM Issued to CCAs.
ESE-2015 (Reserve list)- List of candidates whose candidature is Provisional/Conditional - Notice-I.
ESE-2015 (Reserve list) - Preferences excercised by candidates- Notice-II.
Instructions for candidates of ESE-2015 (Reserve List) for medical examination.
ESE-2016- Firm Number of vacancies along with community wise break up to be filled on the basis of - reg.
Medical Status of ESE-2015 (Reserve List).
Extension in joining time to probationers allotted to Railway Services on the basis of CSE-2015 and appearing in CSE(Mains)-2016.
ESE-2015(Reserve List)-Allocation-OM Issued to CCAs.
First Medical Board Report Format -ESE 2016.
Medical Schedule and Instructions/Guidelines for candidates appearing for medical examination on the basis of ESE 2016.
ESE 2015 (Reserve List) - Final Allocation of Services/Posts in respect of candiates provisionally allocated.
Notice-II-Preferences for service allocation exercised by the candidates and final vacancy statement on the basis of Engineering Services Examination – 2016.
Notice-I-List of candidates whose candidature is Provisional / Conditional on the basis of Engineering Services Examination - 2016.
Show Cause Notice to Shri Rajendra Kumar, ESE-2016 candidate regarding not completing medical examination.
Medical status of candidates of ESE 2016.
Addresses of Cadre Controlling Authorities (CCAs) Participating in Engineering Services Examination (ESE).
Schedule of Joining of Railway Engineering Services-2016.
Marks obtained by candidates finally recommended by UPSC on the basis of ESE 2016.
Medical Status-ESE-2016 (Pending candidates).
Final allocation of candidates whose allocation was provisional - ESE 2016- OM issued to CCAs.
Medical Schedules for ESE-2016 (Reserve List) Candidates - Instructions thereof.
Notice - I Provisional and conditional candidates - ESE 2016 Reserve List.
Notice - II Preferences Exercised by candidates - ESE 2016 Reserve List.
Medical Schedule-ESE-2017 instruction thereof.
Notice-I Provisional & Conditional Cases of ESE-2017.
Marks of recommended candidates of ESE-2017.
Allocation ESE 2016 (RL) - OM issued to CCAs.
Notice-II Preferences arranged for allocation ESE-2017.
Offer of Appointment of IRTS, IRAS, IRPS and RPF on the basis of CSE-2016.
Final allocation of Shri Prateek Agrawal ESE-2016 (Reserve List).
Medical Status of ESE - 2017 candidates.
Terms and Conditions for Candidates Recruited to Various Railway Services.
Recruitment to the IRTS, IRAS, IRPS & RPF on the basis of CSE - 2016.
Schedule of Joining of Railway Engineering Services-2017.
Medical Status - ESE 2017 (Pending Cases).
Requistion for Reserve List of ESE-2017.
Offer Letter of IRTS, IRAS & RPF CSE-2016 & Postage details.